Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:40 pm
Screen Name: PuNk*
Real Name: K.c
Location: usa
Age: 12
Sex: male
Servers/gametypes you play: midnight spikage
Time you play: when i have free time
How long you been playin: 1 year
(RTCW only)Average Kills: i dont pay attention to that stuff
(ET only) Average XP Points:
Hobbies (don't say videogames): football,computer,basketball,talkin
Anything else, you thing might help us to get know you:
Why you chose (<font color=#00ff00><b>(SPK)</b></font>): because i like the servers, my cousin is on the clan n finally its challenging
Real Name: K.c
Location: usa
Age: 12
Sex: male
Servers/gametypes you play: midnight spikage
Time you play: when i have free time
How long you been playin: 1 year
(RTCW only)Average Kills: i dont pay attention to that stuff
(ET only) Average XP Points:
Hobbies (don't say videogames): football,computer,basketball,talkin
Anything else, you thing might help us to get know you:
Why you chose (<font color=#00ff00><b>(SPK)</b></font>): because i like the servers, my cousin is on the clan n finally its challenging