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Punbuster screenshots are black

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:44 pm
by Speedy

AraGoth promised help in case of black screen shots. :-)

Environment: Linux from scratch (I compiled anything from source). Kernel (latest stable).
nVidia GeForce 7600. Driver 1.0-9755 (latest version). CPU P IV 2.4 GHz. Memory 1 GByte.
Disks: sda=78 GB U160; sdb=78 GB U160.

Problem: my screenshots are black. ALL. Error/information code: c2 (not documented)

Even Balance ticket number: EB8756000155895. Help from Even Balance <0. Help from nVidia <0.

Don't hesitate to ask for more information if needed. I would be very happy if one can solve this problem.


And no, i am not a cheater.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:41 pm
by Wimpeh
Nice selfbust!


Nah, I'm sorry I've heard the same problem from some people that played on Windows, never from a Linux person however...
and after a while the problem seemed to fix itself.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:25 pm
by m0pX
I WOULD suggest turning FSAA off, but since you aren't in Winblows I doubt that is the problem :(

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:25 pm
by BoBo
LFS? how long does it take you to install your os? Ubuntu ftw nothing like installing an os in 10 minutes and having it completely configured and working the way you want in 30.

I have never heard of that problem before it might be a rights problem. kinda like how you use to have to run it as an admin in windows. you try running it as root and seeing if you have same problem?