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ET Stories

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:46 pm
by lumberpat
well, here's another topic for stories for ET. HEre's mine. So, I was a covert ops at fuel dump, and stole some enemy clothes and went to that door atop the ladder and onto the roof, telling my team I'd wait for them to get there. I wasn't going back down, mainly because I only had 2 hp. Well, anyway, I went on top of their water tower, and sniped the crap out of the axis as they went into the tunnels, or on top of that really tall hill. They eventually saw me, and though I toook out 2 people with me, I went down in a blaze of glory. I killed three before they got just me (the last was a grenade).

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:07 pm
by lumberpat
Well, this never gets old. So we were on fuel dump it was a 2 on 5, but then someone joined my team so it became 3 on 5. Anyway, they were spawnkilling us but we had blown the tunnel grid off, and I got a uniform. Me and someguy named kev something went and planted and blew the dump w/ no resistence :) I love doing that.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:04 pm
by Belleraphon
Lol yeah I always try that but I forget im a copv and to scope for mines... lots of times they puit outside the tunnel to prevent that and im too dumb to scope em out...