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Using your Teammates

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 12:14 pm
by SpikedCoffey
Lets face it, some of your teammates are better off dead and sometimes you need to give them a hand in getting there.

Fueldump is the map i'm mainly talkin about. First you got the idiot that tries to build east. In the time it took you to type "DON"T BUILD EAST!!!!" and the time it took him to ignore what you just typed, you could have capped his <b>@$$</b>. So if you see someone building east, take him out, gib him, then tell him not to build east. So what if he complains. You lost 1 mins worth of XP and you still have a couple hundred complaints before your kicked.

"I need ammo and your SOL" This is a bad problem for roof top shooters, like myself. You have to jump off the building to get more ammo, thus usually loosing some life and wasiting valuable time. So don't do it! Usually there will be someone on the roof with u, usually an idiot that doesn't know to lay down so of course he gets picked off rather quickly. 99% of the time theres not gonna be a medic there to revive him, so i suggest you crawl up to him, knife him down and take his ammo. A pretty jerk move i know, but lets face it, he wasn't helping much anyways.

Bait! Lets face it, you have a great sniper psoition but if another sniper finds you there you won't have a good shooting lane against him. This occurs when the other sniper is postiioned behind a tree somewhere. OK first make sure you have enemy muzzle flash and tracers turned on. Don't try to guess your shot and shoot at him which will risk your location, thats what teammates are for. Let some of your teammates walk into his firing lane and watch for his muzzle flash or the direction of his tracer. Sure you won't be 100% accurate but your a lot closer then you were.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 4:28 am
by blackangel
<b>oh my gosh</b>... :lol:

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:14 am
by toblerone
I find that sometimes teammates make great meat-shields, and I don't feel bad side-stepping a panzer to have it hit a teammate :)

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:22 am
by Wimpeh
toblerone wrote:I find that sometimes teammates make great meat-shields, and I don't feel bad side-stepping a panzer to have it hit a teammate :)
i ever shoved someone to a rifle nade that else ways wouldve hit me...
the guy was full of rage but i rofled LOL

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:02 pm
by Squee
haahah good thinking.. we wouldnt want you dead... good one mike.. very usful to bad i dont play much.. yup yup

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:13 pm
by Snakebite
Now here is a post that I can enjoy....

All too often I lay on the ground.. Waiting for the 3 medics spamming the fops for ammo to revive me.. But alas.. Somebody usually panzers or nades the area I am keeping warm..... Really annoying.

And what is with the medics that scream for ammo when they spawn?? hell I dont often get thru 2 clips of ammo b4 I die.. If I am actually helping the team with objective... However if I am "camping" LOL.. which I hate to do.. IE defending bank... I often find I run low on ammo.. but not for a good few mins...

Teammates are there for a reason. To aide you in your objectives...

Just a lil thought from a lil brain... Peanut gallery open to comments