Real Name: Adam
Location: Elk, Poland
Age: 14
Sex: male
Servers/gametypes you play: Midnight Spikage/campaings
Time you play: 4-5 times
How long you been playin: 8 months of my ET playing and 2 weekends of my Midnight Spikage server playing

(RTCW & CoD only)Average Kills: ---
(ET only) Average XP Points: 1256 exp
Hobbies (don't say videogames): basketball, massive multiplayer games (like World of Warcraft), games (like Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2) and multiplayer games (COD, COD2, ET, AA)
Anything else, you thing might help us to get know you: i don't know

Why you chose (<font color=#00ff00><b>(SPK)</b></font>): because i've heard that it is very good clan